To Customers and Future Customers,

At Anew Real Estate Group, we want to keep you updated during these concerning times. As a local business, we appreciate your continued support. As COVID-19 continues to impact the communities where we do business, we would like to let you know what to expect when working with our team. To eliminate worry and confusion regarding the status of our team we have made a page on our website to post important information.

In the real estate industry, we have extensive experience supporting individuals and organizations when their lives change due to new job placement, out-growing their homes and businesses, relocating, and providing exceptional service to find a location perfect for their needs.

Therefore, returning and new clients are contacting our real estate business professionals to assist them in appropriately responding to the current housing market during the corona virus pandemic referred to as COVID-19.

Our Response

We are implementing an evolving set of exposure controls, social distancing, and work practice modifications in alignment with guidance from: the WHO, the CDC, OSHA, and the Minnesota Department of Health.

Behavioral & Social

  • All in-person company meetings are rescheduled using technology. This is ever changing based on federal and state guidelines. Speak with our staff to learn more about which style of meeting is right for you.
  • Our project managers will not visit without your prior approval.
  • Our agents and office staff are practicing strict social distancing.
    • Zero-Contact greetings with team and clients.
    • 6 foot separation at all times.
    • No shared meals / coffee service.

Hygiene & Sanitizing

  • Team members are to stay home with even a mild cough and / or fever.
  • We ask that our workers voluntarily check their personal health DAILY for fever. (If 100.4 Deg. F or greater, stay home)
  • Everyone to frequently wash hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
  • Everyone to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Signs are up throughout our office inside the Keller Williams Premier Realty office to reinforce hygienic behavior.
  • Catch coughs and sneezes in elbows or into tissues.
  • Daily cleaning / sanitizing of high contact surfaces like: doorknobs, tables, laptops, keyboards, and phones.
  • Bi-weekly deep cleaning and is implemented.

Plan for Continuity

In our review of government actions taken, real estate is deemed an essential and “life-sustaining” industry.  For this reason, we are confident our offices will remain open under strict adherence to our behavioral and hygienic standards. Most importantly, we are equipped and prepared for your real estate needs during these extraordinary times.

We are committed to remaining focused and dedicated to our new and returning clients throughout this event.

Open Houses

According to Minnesota Realtors, an organization for the state of Minnesota working with local real estate agents to maintain policies and update current regulations, in their press release it states, “Minnesota Realtors has created a set of new Open House considerations for Realtors, in response to Governor Waltz’s new state order EO-20-56. The state’s new order expands the ability for customer-facing businesses to conduct business with provisions to keep the public and workers safe.”

“The new Open House considerations advise Realtors, who believe that an open house is necessary to facilitate a real estate transaction, to adopt a plan that incorporates site-specific best practices. The best practices are focused on health and wellness, social distancing, cleaning, sanitation and protection, and communications that keep the client and visitors in mind.”

“Realtors conduct Open Houses for a wide variety of reasons based on many different circumstances. Some homes are new construction without furniture or floor coverings. Other properties are the home of older Minnesotans or those with immune deficiency issues,” said Galler. “Due to the wide range of circumstances, individual properties will require different COVID-19 precautions.”

Key points from the Minnesota Realtors Open House considerations are listed below. Full details can be found on the organization’s Covid-19 resources page.


  • Consider adopting company protocols for sales associates or office staff who are ill or have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 before they commence an Open House or showing. Per the Minnesota Department of Health, all persons who are sick should stay home.
  • Consider OSHA safety protocols for workers when they will be meeting with the public.
  • Consult with your seller clients about whether and how consumers will enter their property during the listing and marketing of the property.
  • Outline steps the to minimize spread of the virus and comply with health and safety requirements before offering showings or open houses and during and after an open house or showing including protecting vulnerable populations.

Social Distancing

  • Evaluate the property space for access and regulate visitor movement within the property maintaining at least six (6) feet of separation.
  • Create and follow a business plan for social distancing within the home.
  • Consider ways to make interactions between customers and associates as contactless as reasonably possible.

Cleaning + Disinfecting

  • There may be cleaning and disinfecting requirements in Minnesota if holding an open house for the general public. Work with your seller client to follow CDC and Minnesota Department of Health guidance on maintaining regular cleaning and frequent high-touch disinfecting.
  • Consider prohibiting visitors’ use of the home’s bathroom or other facilities and adopt cleaning and disinfecting protocols if they are used.

This information is from and Anew Real Estate Group is abiding by these guidelines to ensure safety for our clients and staff.

Closing Statement

Anew Real Estate Group operations and policies will continue to evolve while this situation unfolds. Please know that we are here for you to guide you along your real estate journey in these trying times and will do everything in our power to help you find what you are looking for. You can reach us by calling 651.775.7515.

Stay safe and healthy!

Matthew Johnson
Owner of Anew Real Estate Group & Realtor®